Does big names mean great service?
Hi there folks been a busy few weeks,and for me even more of an eye opener about how some of the big named pest control companies work. To be truthful they seem to worry more about making money than providing a great service. The above photograph was taken in Kings Lynn the other day after myself and Gary had finished our Gull control at PIL Membranes.The photo only shows about 3/4 of the whole roof,which is in Kings Lynn Docks, the rest of it looked much the same with lost more pigeons flying in at the fare end of it.
So I decided to call the docks to see if they might need our services.Well talk about being shocked I was told they already had bird control and did not need any help. I did ask "Are you sure?" The reply was "Yes we have ********* (Big National Company) they visit once a month." Well must say that statement said it all,
A week before Gary had a call from a National Trust site in Norfolk about another Pigeon Job, During the phone call he was asked How much we charge for the 3 General Licences we work under.Now this was a strange question. "Why?" I hear some of you ask, Well Gary explained to the National Trust Lady the 3 general Licences we work under are a free Government download from National England . They Lady then told us that she had had a quote from 2 big national companies,one of which is the same company doing Bird Control in Kings Lynn Dock , and in the Quote the cost form the General Licences was £80 a Licence. Well if you ask me that's what I call greed.
I carry the 3 licences on my smart phone as long as the customer has a wireless printer the can print it off for the records or I can email them.
So while we are on the subject of ripping customers off by the Big boy and I know that those of you that know Gary know how he always talks about wrongly fitted spiking we here is the proof about fitting spikes facing upwards helping pigeons to build a nest.
Ok so the big boys what to sell netting and Spiking. Why? because it don't last that long especially if the customer does not take out a service contract,which yes, you got it costs extra.
From what I have heard and seen while I have been with Gary from customers and potential customers it strike me that these big National Companies do not care about the service the provided just care about how much they can make from there customers. What ever happened to the days of greats service at a fare price?
There are still pest controllers out there that pride themselves on this belief but sadly these big National companies don't. They play on the lack of knowledge the customer has.If I could give one good bit of advice to anyone who might be reading this and at any time needs some form of Pest Control if you need a job doing well stay away from the big National companies everyone knows. We all know there names and that's down to large national advertising campaigns that th smaller companies would have to save for many years to be able to afford to advertise in such a large scale.
Ok to finish off this blog, here at Backwoods Falconry we had a great end to the week when we got a phone call to go to Ely to pick up Thunder one of our Falcons. Thunder had been missing for a few months and is now back with us looking very health and we were told he has been living of Pheasants and Chickens while he has been missing.

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